On Site BIM Support
On Site BIM Support
The advancements in the construction industry technology have made exchanging information between disparate locations much easier. We work with you to establish a critical process that allows teams to resolve incidents before they are identified in the field through Alkhoory lead coordination meetings.
With the demand for BIM-compliant projects increasing, it is critical to understand where to begin and how to get involved in a practical, structured manner. In our experience, some companies enter BIM blindly, agreeing to deliver level 2 and sometimes level 3 BIM on bids despite having no idea what is involved.
We believe that an effective meeting strategy improves communication, increases profitability, and reduces time waste for all contracting teams. These meetings can be conducted more efficiently and effectively using practical, dynamic collaboration tools, saving time, stress, and money. Alkhoory’s experts can train team leaders to oversee these coordination meetings or, if necessary, lead the meetings entirely, drawing on our existing knowledge and expertise.