BIM Consultancy Services
BIM is changing the way designers work with 3D graphic and non-graphic
information being incorporated in the BIM Model from the earliest stages of
design. The efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility of BIM inspire confidence in
the design process and provide freedom from an inordinate focus on drawing and
documentation production.
AKS collaborates with architects and designers throughout the design process to
all documents required at each project stage.
Allowing AKS to take on the responsibility of managing the production process
empowers the architect and designer to focus more time on other critical core
activities, such as design, project and business management.

Our Consultants have extensive experience in providing consultation throughout the projects which includes:
Designing BIM Execution Plan (BEP) during the early design stage to show the collaboration between all design consultants and the workflow adopted during the design process.
It is important that there is clarity of roles, responsibilities and authority for effective information management.
Forming part of the BIM Execution plan, the Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) and Responsibility Matrix are key tools required by the Employers Information Requirements (EIR) that clearly set out what information is to be produced, when and by whom.
Master Information Delivery Plan: The Master Information Delivery
Plan (MIDP) is a primary plan which is used to manage the delivery of
information during the project lifecycle. It is typically developed by the
project delivery manager in collaboration with the task team managers and then
used by the project delivery manager to assist in the delivery of project
information during the project. Essentially the MIDP is a collation of
Individual Task Information Delivery Plans (TIDP), prepared by other team
members, and includes details of when project information is to be prepared, who
is responsible for producing the information as what protocols and procedures
for each stage shall be followed. Information deliverables which may be listed
in the MIDP include (but are not limited to):
1- Models
2- Drawings or renditions
3- Specifications
4- Equipment schedules
5- Room data sheets
Task Information Plan: The Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP)
is defined by the British Standards Institute as federated lists of information
deliverables by each task, including format, date and responsibilities. It is
the responsibility of each task team manager to compile their own TIDP which
then assist in the development of the MIDP. Each task shall have a corresponding
milestone that aligns to the overall design and construction programme, taking
into consideration any sequencing requirements for the production of
Each task shall also detail the responsibility of each supplier’s information
and show how responsibility for the preparation of project documents transfer
from one team to another.
BIM Model Development (LOD 200/250/300/400) for the different submission stages. Our BIM consultants will always advise the pros and cons before taking up this service.

Our Consultants also helps in performing Clash Detection and Resolution in the design stage to clear the clashes that are crucial or that might hinder the construction process later on. Advisory on the recommended BIM software to be used and related documentation to be produced from this exercise.
Assisting design consultants in producing drawings from the BIM model for tender drawings preparation.