Use of Advance technology BIM in the architectural industry

BIM (Building Information Modelling) is one of the advancements in construction technology that the digital age has brought to us.
Introduction to BIMBIM execution plan consultants in UAE have enabled the construction industry to plan design construction and manage more complex and larger-scale projects every year more professionals in architecture architectural technology building surveying quantity, surveying construction management, property development, and planning are implementing BIM
- • Increasing the efficiency of projects
- • Improving collaboration between different stakeholders
- • creating a central model that contains project information
What is BIM?
BIM is evolution not revolution it was developed over many years by various scholars from all over the globe who worked hand-in-hand with BIM Consultants in DUBAI. BIM is a process that improves collaboration between different stakeholders throughout the building’s lifecycle. BIM is a process of working together to advance efficiency together to advance the efficiency of construction projects. The important element of a BIM process is a BIM model that contains all building information
What can we do with a building model?A BIM model includes a detailed 3D model with all architectural and structural elements mechanical and electrical systems spaces details schedules and all sorts of documentation it can easily calculate cost estimation, material quantities, energy performance, etc.
Is it correct to say that BIM is useful for large and typical projects?
- • Absolutely not implementing BIM is highly beneficial for different types of projects with various functions and scales. BIM implementation has increased the accuracy of the projects.
- • It will also improve the coordination between the different disciplines involved in a project which would eventually result in minimizing the time and cost of the projects.
- • BIM has saved the project time and cost if we planned to overlap with the various stages of the project.
Issues before implementation of BIM
- • Before the implementation of BIM-incompatible id systems lots of problems around file sharing and different file formats.
- • Conversations between various stakeholders increase the burden of paper email.
- • low data security and unclear modern data ownership low transparency of information flow.
- • Loss of revised documents limited project records and finally there was no central model containing all project information.
The use of BIM technology has increased the operation activity among different documents produced by different expertise involved in a project. BIM is the process of designing constructing and managing a building or infrastructure. Collaboratively using advanced-length digital models.